We are happy to say that we now selling ceremonial grade Matcha tea which can be purchased online and in-store.
What is Matcha?
This may or may not be something you have heard of or you may already be a superfan. Either way, we would like to introduce ours and let you know why we think it is so great.
Matcha is a finely powdered green tea that is traditionally used for the Japanese tea ceremony.
Where does it come from?
It may be a new tea to us in the west but this amazing tea has been prepared in Japan for almost 1000 years.
China is the birthplace of tea since this is where it was discovered and has been grown and enjoyed for thousands of years. So how did it end up in Japan? Well, in the 12th century a monk called Eisai, a Zen Buddhist, brought a few tea-tree seeds back from his pilgrimage to China. As they say, the rest is history.
One of the most prestigious tea-growing areas is Uji, located southeast of Kyoto, the former capital of Japan. The matcha from this region is often considered the best quality and this is where ours is produced.
What is it good for?
You may have already read that green tea is known for its high levels of antioxidants and vitamins but it doesn't just end there. Many studies are being carried out to establish whether the polyphenols in tea can not only neutralise free radicals but also reduce or even prevent the damage they can cause. This could mean good news for the prevention and treatment of certain cancers amongst a list of other illnesses.
What I love most about matcha is that the high combination of both caffeine and the amino acid theanine are known to stimulate the brain, whilst promoting relaxation and stress reduction.
What does it taste like?
You may be wondering why we call it a ceremonial matcha, this simply means that it is a very high grade. In Japan, they also produce a grade that is mainly used for cooking.
Just like all green teas, matcha needs to be made in a way that brings out its best flavours. Green teas do not like very hot water, which can make them taste quite bitter.
Matcha should have a velvety mouth feel that has a smooth umami or savoury flavour with a delicate sweet aftertaste.
How do I brew matcha?
Versatile is one of the words you can add to the list to describe matcha.
Not only is it great to drink as a neat tea, but it makes delicious lattes, milkshakes, smoothies as well as in cooking.
Now we won't overload your brain, well not until you have had the chance to drink a cup of matcha. So below is a brief description of how to brew;
- Fill a kettle of fresh, filtered water. If you have a temperature control kettle great! set it to 70-80 degrees. If not, boil and allow to cool for 5 minutes.
- Spoon 1g or a teaspoon of the matcha green tea powder into a matcha bowl, mug or cup. (ideally through a tea strainer or very small sieve)
- Add around 10ml of 70-80 degree water to the powder.
- Use the matcha bamboo whisk, known as a chasen, and whisk the powder in a 'W' motion to form a thick paste without any lumps.
- Add a further 100ml of 80 degree water and whisk briskly in the same motion until the liquor is smooth and lightly frothy.
- Hold the bowl between both hands and lift it to the mouth, inhaling to take in the aroma before sipping the tea.
- Enjoy!
Matcha Food
You can also use matcha in baking, such as pancakes, doughnuts, my mouth is watering!
Keep an eye out for our recipes coming soon......